Complete water filtration system
For all businesses
Let us solve your water problems for you, whether it is drinking water for your employees or water for use in the production process. We can design a system that meets the needs of our customers and arrange a team of technicians to maintain and check the water quality by sending it to a reliable lab to ensure that our customers are confident in the quality of our water.

We are the first manufacturer and distributor of coin-operated drinking water dispensers in Thailand under the Waternet and Daily Fresh brands. We provide clean drinking water with standard quality, service with heart, cleanliness, and safety from the heart to consumers. We design water systems for use in all forms of manufacturing industries and drinking water systems for agencies that require a large amount of water for sale or consumption within the agency. Today, more than 10,000 employees drink water from our water filtration system.
The one stop service for all your water problems.
Waternet Public Company Limited
Cloud Monitoring System
Our system is equipped with a Montioring system that can detect leaks, monitor water usage, and much more.
ISO Certified
We are certified by ISO every year for our drinking water production and installation standards.
48 Hours Emergency Service
If there is a problem with the system or the water dispenser, we have a team of technicians ready to repair within 48 hours.
QR Code Payment
Our coin-operated water dispenser supports QR Payment.
How are we different from others?
How are we different from others?
Corporate clients who trust us
Years in the water industry
Countries we export to
Customers are satisfied with the service.